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A logo asking many hands to "Join The PTO"!


It's back to school time! Time for your kids to become part of a new class in a new grade and time for you to become part of our KCS Parent Teacher Organization. The KCS PTO works to support and improve the academic environment of Kings Creek School by giving our teachers what they need for our students and making sure we maximize our school environment for learning.

In past years, they have purchased Chromebooks for students and curriculum materials for teachers.  Without the efforts of the PTO, there are many things your children would not be able to have for their use.

As a member, you can be as active as you like.  We have meetings during the year where you can voice your opinion and help us plan. We have events during the year you can help with by volunteering your time, making donations of supplies or money - or you can help by simply attending. You have a voice at Kings Creek School!

Parent Advisory Council Notice: The PTO Board Also Serves As The Parent Advisory Council (Pac) As Part Of The Title I Program.


PTO Officers
Kings Creek School Parent-teacher Organization (Pto) And Parent Advisory Council (Title I Pac) 2023-202

Click here to contact the PTO!
Or you can enter into your own email system!



President Vice-President Treasurer Co-Treasurer Secretary Volunteer Coordinator Teacher Representative
Heather Church Catherine Dunn Karen Cozart Mandy Singletary Amie Greene Lorie Toliver Jennifer Biddix
828-310-0663 828-729-1839    828-729-7651 828-729-2319 828-446-4292 828-754-6039 828-754-6039



PTO MEETINGS: Announced via Talking Points, Facebook, BBComm, and stickers/flyers home with students.